An Imperial Vindicare Assassin FEAR ME, FOR I AM YOUR APOCALYPSE

Sometimes a dagger in the dark is more effective than a thousand swords at dawn. This saying is the motivation behind the agents of the Officio Assassinorum. The Officio Assassinorum is divided into different temples, each one trains is assassins in a specific way of eliminating its target.

The Vindicare temple focuses on marksmenship and patience. Armed with the Exitus Sniper Rifle, the Vindicare Assassin will wait for days until the target finally appears. Eliminating another threat to the Imperium with a single unerring shot. Though their methods are straight forward, it is the incredible skill of the Vindicare Assassin which instills fear. No Chaos Cult leader, or rebel governor ever knows if out in the darkness there is a bullet with their name on it!

Callidus Assassins specialize in infiltration and disguise as their methods for contacting their targets. The use of the shape-altering drug, polymorphine allows these cunning killers to change their appearance completely so that they may get within striking distance of their designated victim.

An Imperial Eversor AssassinAssassins of the Eversor temple specialize in terror tactics and the complete destruction of the target and his support structure. Fueled by a deadly combination of drugs, bio-engineering and psychotic fury, the Eversor Assassin is an insane and unstoppable combat monster!

The final and most mysterious sect of the Officio Assassinorum is the Culexus temple. All Culexus Assassins are born with a one-in-a-billion genetic defect, a unique and horrifying aura which repulses and confuses all creatures around them. The resulting chaos of their presence allows the assassin to hunt down and destroy its prey.

Mission: Assassins

The Assassins mission has unique Force Organisation charts to represent the fact that the defender would naturally have his best soldiers guarding his commander and that the attacker is mounting a lightning raid.

Compulsory - 1 Troops
Optional - 2 HQ, 4 more Troops, 1 Heavy Support, 3 Elites, 3 Fast Attack


Compulsory - 1 HQ, 1 Elites
Optional - 3 more Elites, 6 Troops, 1 Fast Attack, 2 Heavy Support

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Attacker's Brief

You have been chosen to lead a crack force to kill the enemy high commander, with the intention of causing enough confusion to disrupt their attack and bring you victory.

Defender's Brief

As you were enjoying your afternoon nap (or prayer session, or meal, or psychic communion with the Hive Mind, etc. . .) one of your trusted bodyguards brought you news that a large enemy force has appeared on the horizon.  You must endeavour to stay alive until reinforcements can arrive to carry you to safety.

Scenario Special Rules

The Assassins mission uses the Fortifications, Hidden Set-Up, Infiltrators, Random Game Length and Reserves scenario special rules.



1.  The defender's deployment zone is up to 18" on from one of the long table edges, in which they may place fortifications.  The attacker's deployment zone starts 18" further towards the opposite edge.
2.  The defender's HQ must be set up on the table, but any Fast Attack unit must be placed in reserve.  Other units have the option of being reserves or being set up on the table.  Once decided, set up using the Hidden Set Up rules.   The HQ must be at least 12" from any edge.
3.  The attacker deploys his entire force.
4.  The defender reveals his set up.
5.  Any attacking infiltrators may make one free move, ignoring terrain.  Eldar may NOT Fleet Foot.
6.  The attacker gets the first turn.


Mission Objective

The attacker wins if he can completely wipe out the defender's HQ unit.  Note that in this scenario the defender's HQ is subject to the 'They Shall Know No Fear' rule and will always regroup, because otherwise they might just flee off the table and what fun would that be?



The defender's reserves enter from his own table edges.

Game Length

The game lasts a variable number of turns.

Line of Retreat

Troops fall back towards the long table edges of their own deployment zone.